teamafrica's Site

 Teamafrica thought it would be a good idea to have a page where you can find out about each one of them.

Name:  Kez Elizabeth Peskett
Age: 19
Where are you from: Bristol
Why did you join temafrica: I went to South Africa in a team during summer 2008 and I loved it when I got back to the UK I just wanted to be back in Africa. So I decided to take my own team over during summer 2009 for 5 weeks.
What are you looking forward to the most: Just being back In Africa seeing the children's beaming smiles when they see us and just to know that as a team we are helping the broken and doing just what God has called us to do.
What do you think you will find the hardest: I always miss my family when I go away so that will be one thing I find hard but once I get going I will be fine. The major thing that I will ifnd hard is leaving these amazing children yet again.
Do you have anything to say to your viewers: Yes I would like to say a huge Thank you to everybody who has supported us and who will support us in the near future. without the help from these people we wouldnt be doing what we are doing now. So Thank you again for all your support and all your help you are true stars.

Name: Richard Michael Hervey
Age: 17
Where are you from: Bristol
Why did you join teamafrica: The Experience of a life time oppurtunity.
What are you looking forward to the most: Everything apart from coming back.
what do you think you will find the hardest: Definatly comign home after bounding with the kids and people. 
Do you have anything to say to you viewers: Please support us in what we are doing!

 Name: Jessica Jamet
Age: 18
Where are you from: Thornbury
Why did you join Team Africa: Its a challenge and I want to help the children.
What are you looking forward to the most: The challenge, New experience & working with the children
What do you think you will find the hardest: The food and the Cockroaches!!!
Do you have anything to say to your viewers
: Thanks for viewing our site. I hope you're excited about this project as much as we are - We'd love you to support us either by praying for us or financially :) God Bless