teamafrica's Site

Team Africa would like to that this oppurtunity to thank everyone individually for all the help and support they have shown towards the team over the past few months.
Helen Martin - NGM Graphic's designer - Thank you for taking time out of your busy work schedule to design our logo and email it to us everytime we misplace it! We gave you a basic idea of we wanted and you created something so amazing! Thank you!
Chris Dors - Dymond Computers - Chris is Kez's Uncle and has helped the team out loads. We would like to thank him for all the late phone calls about printing.
Chris also did the Business card's, Printing of posters, Help with letter's and Help with Designing a lot of the advertising we have used! So thank you for your help and support!
NGM - New Generation of Music and Mission - A christian Preforming arts college and charity who have shown continual support through prayer, idea's for fundraising and just being amazing friends. It was through NGM that Kez first visited South Africa in 2008 and they have continued to help us! Thank You very much we appreciate your help!
To find out more about NGM please visit
Lawson & Juliette Benjamin - Thornbury MX - Thank you for all the printing of our Kit's. Juliette you have been wonderful putting up with us ringing up and changing idea's or cancelling certain bit's of kit and changing names and having extra printed. I dont think anyone else would have put up with it all but you did. Thank you Both for your help and support.

To find out more about Thornbury MX and their Motor Cross please Visit

Elizabeth Harris -  Photographer.

Elizabeth spent time with the team doing the photo shoot. So Thank You for your help and skillfull support, The Photos are great.
Team Africa would also like to wish Elizabeth good luck for her mission to Mozambeque.