teamafrica's Site

 Here at Team Africa we have a team aim, This Aim is a basic aim that will make such a difference!
It is a very explainable aim but let us explain why this aim is so important to us as a team!

We are working in a orphanage for 4 weeks there is a lot of children who will want us to play for hours with them and no one else. we felt it is important to spend time with everyone from new borns to children to teenagers to the eldery.
To build a relationship with someone you have to learn about that person so we feel that learning about them and their culture will expand the relationships we will build whilst we are away.
We believe that you cant teach without first learning! So why not take this chance to teach and to be taught by the people we work with! What better chance to learn about the history of Sparrow Ministries and the History of South Africa than to learn from the people who live there!
We are going out to Africa to work and teach, we will meet many people  and we feel it is important to experience the difference we are making in the lives of others whilst we are out there!
And our most important challenge is to leave a impact in the lives of the people we work with.
We do hope that this has explained our Team Aim more.

~~ Team Aim ~~

To spend time with both Children and Adults
To learn about both them and their culture
To teach and to be taught during our time there
To experience the difference our work is making in the lives of others
To leave a imprint on their hearts for years to come.

Team Africa 2009


as we are working in a orphanage that is also a hospice to adults we feel its important to include them in our work too.
we feel that as a team we can fullfill this Aim 100% and hopefully more. This aim is imprinted on our hearts and we hope that our Aim and Mission project is on your hearts too.
If you want to find out more keep looking through the website or email us at and we will be happy to help and happy to answer any questions about our trip.